I love words. I recall as a youngster always feeling the need to "know more about adult talk". There are several things you can do to become better acquainted with vocabulary.
I believe the most important thing to do is read. Read all kinds of books and when you read, have a dictionary beside you. When you hit a word you don't know, it is important to look it up. After you have determined the meaning, read the sentence again. It is amazing the accomplishment one feels and further, it often gives much stronger meaning to what has been read.
The tool that I use in combination with a dictionary is a thesaurus. In the event you are not aware of what a thesaurus is, it is like a dictionary but it will give you a list of words that mean the same thing as a particular word. (A synonym) An example is that afraid, scared, and fearful all have essentially the same meaning. When you are exposed to one new word, you become exposed to many new words.
I have found that writing has helped increase my vocabulary. In an attempt to make my writing more interesting, I have found it necessary to try and find words that capture the reader's attention.
Reader's Digest Magazine has a section to increase your vocabulary.
If you like puzzles, crossword puzzles will help you learn more words. There are crossword puzzle dictionaries. Further, the board game Scrabble will help you understand and improve word formation. In fact, there are many Internet sites that have word games that can be used to learn new words.
I enjoy going through the dictionary and looking for words that are big and intimidating; often a word like that will surprise you with its simplicity of meaning. I like to take a word and follow it to another word (by thesaurus) to see its emanation; what country was it originally from, and, what was the context of its use?
You may love word meanings or you may not. However, the more you deal with words the more you will find that you can communicate with people on a higher and more specific basis. I see my vocabulary as my ability to connect with others. The more I expand my vocabulary, the more I expand the number of people I can relate to.
One word of caution: Increasing your vocabulary is like learning another language; don't overreact to new information until you're sure you understand the context.
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