Education plays a vital role in the life of a human being. Being educated gives one the space to grow and develop the skills to make use of his/ her potential to the optimum. Education disciplines a man in its own way. Over the years, education has started to become a basic need just like that of food, clothing, and shelter. Education doesn't necessarily refer to just the academic sect of learning but extends way beyond, into the larger picture.
An over view of Primary and Secondary Education in India:
Understanding and nurturing the concept of education, India has taken a great leap forward. Ensuring an ever- rising literacy rate, the government stresses on imparting education as it's embedded in our constitution as well. It reads that education should be free for children below the age of 14 years. Bearing the credit to the various reforms and plans, education facilities in India have expanded beyond horizons. This in turn has led India into being one of the largest education systems in the world.
Not ignoring the rural areas, an astounding percentage of eighty four now have a primary school located at a near distance of one kilometre. Supporting the cause, an act was brought into motion called the "Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education" (RTE Act) which has made free education for all children between the age of 6 and 14 years, a fundamental right.
The amalgamation of Technology and Education:
Today, India's education system is seeing a radical change and its for the better. The system is undergoing a technology boost and twisting into innovative techniques to impart knowledge. How? By introducing and encouraging e-learning; not only in the urban areas of the country but in the rural areas as well. This has made the availability of gaining and spreading knowledge extremely handy. There are online learning courses that offer a perfect blend of an electronically automated classroom, curriculums and digital content, and online exams.
With an earnest attempt to spread the bounds of education, a handful of training institutes have started designing adequate and purposeful CD packages. These CD study packages are inclusive of a digital course curriculum spanning CBSE, ICSE and State Board, so irrespective of the board you belong to, there is a study package designed especially for you.
For instance:
The study CD packages have made learning fun by introducing innovative ways to teach the students. If you are a student studying in the Maharashtra State board, you can opt for the Maharashtra State Board CD packages. No more running around for model test papers or multiple-choice question test papers.
These CD study packages are a digital course curriculum for CBSE, ICSE and State Board. One can easily get a hand of these CD packages online. If you go for a MH Board CD package, you are likely to get Maharashtra Board Solved Sample Papers, Multi Choice Questions Test Papers, Complete explanation of chapters, Solved examples with apt illustrations, explanations with examples, assignment and solutions and many more study materials. No more worrying during exams about your study pattern, let these CD packages experts take control.

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