Coping with exam stress - The role of parents (Nachita Jaiswal)

It is only natural to feel a little bit of stress before and after your exam results. A little stress is healthy and can motivate you to plan your road ahead. However, it gets complicated when students stress too much before the exam results are out. This is the time of CBSE and State board exam results and one could read several reports in the newspapers on how students are reacting to the pressure.

It is not uncommon to find students panicking and in their fit committing suicide. It is time that parents should wake up to help their kids deal with exam stress. There have been cases in the past where the parents were seen to put too much pressure on their ward, pushing them to take a drastic step.

Remember, high grades are important to scale up on the educational front and explore various streams, but it is not the end of it all. In these competitive times, when there are infinite career options in front of students, they are already burdened with their own thoughts. What stream should I choose? Should I go for medical or engineering? What if I made a wrong choice? What if I fail to score high, would I still get an admission in an institute of repute?
Just try and be in their shoes and you will know exactly how stressed they are. To add to the stress are our constant comparison with the siblings or friends. Are we doing justice when we force our child to get high grades or face the consequence?

How can you help your ward to cope?

1. Inculcate a positive thinking

Help your kid strike a balance in his thoughts and behavior. Instead of focusing on the negative, make him understand the power of positive thinking. The exam is already over and nobody can go back and change anything, just make them understand that thinking positive can help them plan their future better. Worrying is a waste of time and can never reap anything good.

2. Make them join some activity class

So your child just appeared for a CBSE 10th standard exam? He is anxious about his results and cannot concentrate on any activity except worrying. As a supporting parent, divert his attention. You know what your child enjoys the most, make sure you enroll him to his favorite activity class. It could be anything a guitar class, or a general exercise class.

3. Introduce them to meditation

Meditation is a powerful mind and body exercise and hence you should ensure to teach your kids about the benefits of meditation. It is one of the best tools to cope with anxiousness, worry and panic situations.

Hope these tips can help your child to cope with the after result exam stress.

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