A pale blue liquid with slightly more viscous than water, and appears colorless in dilute solution. Strong oxidizing properties are exhibited by it, a powerful bleaching agent. It is used as a disinfectant, antiseptic, oxidizer, as a propellant in rocketry. It is considered as a highly reactive oxygen species due to strong oxidizing capacity.
It is produced naturally as by product of oxidative metabolism in organisms. Enzymes known as peroxides, which decompose low concentrations of hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen without any harm, these are present in almost every living organism.
Uses for Hydrogen Peroxide
IN 1994 about 50% of the hydrogen peroxide manufactured was used for pulp and paper bleaching. As hydrogen peroxide is alternative to chlorine-based bleaches which are environmentally being, other applications for bleaching are becoming more important.
The manufacturing of sodium per carbonate and sodium perforate, used as mild bleaches in laundry detergents hydrogen peroxide is being used. Production of dibenzoyl peroxide organic peroxide used other chemical processes including polymerization.
Epoxides such as propylene oxide production utilize hydrogen peroxide. On reacting with carboxylic acids corresponding per oxy acid are produced.
Hydrogen peroxide mixed with sulfuric acid (in PCB manufacturing process) for copper surface roughening preparation, as a micromesh chemical.
Hydrogen peroxide used in nuclear pressurized water reactors (PWRs) during the plant shutdown in order to force oxidation and dissolution of activated corrosion products which are deposited on the fuel. With the cleanup systems corrosion products are removed before the reactor is disassembled.
Oil and gas exploration industry use hydrogen peroxide in order to oxidize rock matrix while preparing for analysis of micro-fossil.
Biological Function for Hydrogen Peroxide
In bombardier beetle defense system hydrogen peroxide is one of the two chief chemicals, reacting with hydroquinone to discourage predators. In immune system hydrogen peroxide plays an important role. In zebra fish it was found by the scientists that after tissue damage hydrogen peroxide is released, accordingly it is thought that it act as a signal to white blood cells to converge on the site in order to initiate the healing process.
White blood cells did not accumulate at the site of damage when genes required for hydrogen peroxide are disabled. The experiment was firstly conducted on fishes as they are genetically similar to human. There is a higher level of hydrogen peroxide in their lungs of asthma sufferers as compared to lungs of healthy people this is due to inappropriate level of white blood cells in asthma sufferers.

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